Malayalees in Malawi?! | The Team

Check out Part 1 [The Timing] and Part 2 [The Nation] of this post!

This past December, God had laid on my heart some specific things to pray about. He clearly was leading me in a way to take the next steps towards making some big decisions. Part of those decisions needing to be made, was the decision to go, wherever He would lead, as He would allow and in His time. On top of that, He put a desire on my heart that at least one of my little sisters in Christ would be able to travel along with me, wherever He wanted me to go. This was a pretty wild prayer request. In the midst of uncertainty, in what exactly God was planning for me, He wanted me to faithfully pray for the impossible.

So that’s what I did; I prayed that God would make it all work just in the way that He wanted. When the opportunity came to my doorstep for me to travel to Malawi to serve alongside a family there, I was sure that God had brought the opportunity. I booked my tickets within a few weeks of being introduced to the work that’s going on there. In this few week span, I mentioned it to a few girls that the Lord has given me the great privilege to walk through this life with, doing my best to guide them and share my life with them as they continue growing in the love and knowledge of Christ. I was SO excited about the door God, so clearly, had opened for me. And what I really wanted to say to all of my little sisters was this, “OMG, YOU HAVE TO COME!!” But instead, I entrusted all of the plans, including my travel companions, to the Lord and knew that He would work it out. So I told each of the girls that God had brought this opportunity and that I would like them to pray about coming, if the Lord would allow. I left it at a simple request for them to pray. Little did they know that I was being so very intentional about praying for each of them and for the trip.

As I have committed to pray for and walk with these younger women of God, I am reminded of Paul and Timothy. What a sweet relationship. For most single, twenty-something year olds, the idea of having kids is far from the forefront of their minds. And for me, it is too, but through this season of life, God has been teaching me specific lessons about being responsible for those spiritually younger than me.

Paul came also to Derbe and to Lystra. And a disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek, and he was well spoken of by the brethren who were in Lystra and Iconium. Paul wanted this man to go with him… | Acts 16:1-3

Paul saw Timothy as his spiritual son. They truly walked through life together. They experienced serving God and His people together, from great ministry experiences to everyday life happenings, God grew in them a relationship that was precious and a great example for us to follow. Paul knew Timothy so well. The passage above introduces us to Timothy as a disciple. Even before Timothy became a part of Paul’s life, he was already on God’s team. He was already committed, willing and ready to follow, whatever the cost. Then we continue reading and find that Paul was drawn to him. God gave Paul the eyes to see something in Timothy; he had the desire to do life with Timothy. It was there in Lystra that God entrusted Timothy, a disciple of His, to Paul, another disciple of His.

Just as God entrusted Timothy to Paul, God divinely placed young women of God, who have confessed Jesus as Savior and have committed to living lives given to Him as His disciples, in my life, to walk with. And as He always does, He makes what we think is impossible, possible. He’s put me in a position of teaching and training younger women to love Him and live wholly for Him. My little sisters in Christ seem to be spiritual daughters to me. Not that I can be compared at all to Paul, but it’s humbling to see God’s design for His people and for His Church unfolding right in front of me. It’s humbling to be a part of His perfect plan. What a God to consider us!

God did far more than what I requested and what I expected. He set the stage for two of my sisters to travel with and grow with me. It truly is miraculous how He brought us together for this trip, but why am I always so surprised? We serve SUCH a great God! Lydia, Reeba and I will travel to Malawi, as He wills, with the name of Jesus Christ on our backs. We are His team. And we go forth with His gospel. Though the three of us will be physically going, there are many, in many different places, praying for us. They all are a part of this team. They all are a part of His team. Praise God for choosing us, praise God for it all!

For our Come Awakers who are confused by the title 🙂 – Malayalees are the people from the South Indian state of Kerala. The Come Awake team finds its roots in Kerala. But for now, we’ve pitched our tents in the U.S. and call Heaven home.

Here’s how the trip went! READ: #prayforMalawi

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